One Way Out - Allman Brothers Band (Live 1971)
Playing this to commemorate 9/11. Of course, it's significantly dated now, since we have no longer have any Berlin wall. Do the kids understand? (Could they ever?)
"Please don't be waiting for me."
Holidays in the Sun - Sex Pistols (1977)
"When I see you comin, I just have to run"... he was so funny! Debating if I should use a BDSM tag or not. (Nah.)
Vicious - Lou Reed (1972)
Who else thinks, "I am a passenger, I stay under glass" is the greatest line ever?
(PS: And now, you will also be earwormed to death with LA LA LA LA LALALA LAAAAAH! for the rest of your day.)
The Passenger - Iggy Pop (1977)
And this is the song that gives us today's blog post title.
Pinball - Brian Protheroe (1974)
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