Typically, Casey is blaming daddy for her messed-up mind, and the defense is asserting that her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, drowned and the entire family covered it up. It's a stretch, but that's the story, and they are sticking to it.
All the Ann Rule books (particularly Small Sacrifices) that kept me entertained (for decades!) have prepared me for watching this sordid trial of mother-love gone berserk. For instance, I immediately noticed that Casey sobbed when opening arguments referred to her own bad treatment at the hands of her father. And yet she remains stoic and unemotional when witnesses say things like, "... and then a skull rolled out of the garbage bag"... excuse me, say what?! This is your baby, and you sit there like a stone when they talk about her skull rolling out of a bag? (Jesus H. Christ, that looks so bad.) But that very intense brand of narcissism is fairly typical in murderers, and was present in both Diane Downs and Debora Green. (For Casey's sake, I hope nobody on the jury has been reading Ann Rule.)
Anybody else watching? Opinions? What did you think of dad on the witness stand today?

Speaking of reading, if you have some free time, here you go:
The "Alternative" Female Actress, And Why Hollywood Has So Few Of Them (Jezebel)
Focus on the Family Head: "We've Probably Lost" on Gay Marriage (Mother Jones)
Stop the Execution of Roy Davis! (Amnesty International Alert)
Great American Patriots (Glenn Greenwald/Salon)
Required reading for movie fans: The Dying of the Light (by Roger Ebert), which addresses the fact that films are growing ever-darker due to the accompanying rise of 3-D. (Thanks to Erik Loomis at Alterdestiny for the link.) I recently noticed that THOR was somewhat dark (of course Mr Daisy forced me to go see THOR), even though we skipped on the 3D and went to the regular showing. We even talked about it afterwards; the film seemed darker than usual.
Ebert worries that the darkness is rapidly becoming the norm.
BTW, the wonderful Asheville-based blog ASHVEGAS linked my Fanaticon photos, and thank you!
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