TARA: Female Bodhisatva

Tara is the Female deity of the Buddhist Pantheon, and probably the most popular goddess in the Buddhism. She is considered to be the goddess of universal compassion who represents virtuous and enlightened activity. It is believed that Tara is born from tear of Bodhisatwa of Compassion, Avalokiteshwor. White Tara is born from the left and Green Tara from the right. Tara is believed to protect the living beings while they are crossing the Ocean of Existence and Suffering.

GREEN TARA is represented seated on a lotus-throne, the right leg pendant, with the foot supported by a small lotus, the stem of which is attached to the lotus throne. She is slender, graceful in her pose, and dressed like a Bodhisattva and wears the five-leafed crown. These leaves of crown symbolize five Dhyani-Buddhas. Some time in her crown, the five Dhyani-Buddhas are figured.
Her hair is abundant and wavy. Her right hand is in 'charity' mudra, and her left hand is in 'argument' mudra, which holds the lotus.
She has two full open eyes, where as her another manifestation; the White Tara has seven meditation [half-closed] eyes. The goddess may also be represented with a small image of Amoghasiddhi [one of the five Dhyani-Buddhas] in her headdress.


WHITE TARA symbolizes perfect purity, and is believed to represent Transcendent Wisdom, which secures everlasting bliss to its possessor or worshipper.
The White Tara is represented seated, with legs locked, the soles of the feet turned upward [lotus posture]. She wears the same garments and ornaments as a Bodhisattva, and her hair is abundant and wavy. Her right hand is in 'charity' mudra, and left holding the stem of the full-blown lotus, is in 'argument' mudra. She generally has third eye of foreknowledge, and eyes on the palms of her hands and soles of her feet, symbolizes sensitivity.
Tibetan Lamaism believed that Tara is incarnate in all good women. She is also have Mortal base in Historic persons of the Nepali and Chinese Princess who married to the Great King sRong-tsan-sgam-po, and credited with introduction of Buddhism to Tibet. Tara holds a very prominent position in Nepal and Tibet.

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