I have been so upset over the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, that I have not been able to adequately verbalize my feelings, except to repeat some variation of I TOLD YOU SO. As I've said here numerous times, it's getting bad out there. I am at Ground Zero of Reload Territory, and I've worried something like this would happen. The Tea Party proudly and routinely traffics in incendiary, artillery-oriented language, and don't let them tell you any different, now that they have this on their heads. Suddenly, those little symbols on Sarah Palin's website are not cross-hairs, oh no, they are SURVEYOR SYMBOLS. (Do you believe that shit? Talk about memory holes, George Orwell, call your office.)
This is what transpires when extremists like Palin and Beck continually fan the flames of Tea Party discontent, using dangerous rhetoric... AND (incidentally) we have a clutch of disaffected, angry young men with semi-automatic weapons running loose throughout the land. Presto.
I'll be back after a trudge through the arctic. For more reading:
The "Politicized Mind" Of Gabrielle Giffords (Andrew Sullivan)
Assassination Attempt In Arizona (Paul Krugman)
Missing from Arizona shooting debate: Guns (Politico)
Second Amendment Remedies (Dave Dubya's Freedom Rants)
Earlier Thoughts on Gun Nuttery and Right Wing Demagoguery (Cogitamus)
"On Extreme Right And Left" (Andrew Sullivan)
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