Troy Anthony Davis will be executed tomorrow.
Death penalty = murder. Yes, it is. Vengeance is the Lord's, not yours.
But let me tell you: If you are in favor of the death penalty, your cause is seriously WEAKENED when an innocent man is put to death.
And Davis is innocent (my opinion)... or at least there are significant questions about his guilt:
Davis has captured worldwide attention because of the doubt his supporters have raised over whether he killed [police officer Mark] MacPhail. Several of the witnesses who helped convict Davis at his 1991 trial have backed off their testimony or recanted. Others who did not testify say another man at the scene admitted to the shooting.Some of the jurors have said, if they knew now what they didn't know then, they would not have voted to convict Davis.
The U.S. Supreme Court even granted Davis a hearing last year to prove his innocence, the first time it had done so for a death row inmate in at least 50 years. But in that June 2010 hearing, Davis couldn't convince a federal judge to grant him a new trial.
So, seven out of nine witnesses recanting testimony is not enough for a new trial, or even a stay of execution? From the second link, above:
No physical evidence, like his fingerprints on the murder weapon or gunpowder residue on his hands, ever connected Troy to the crime, and he never confessed. The only thing that convicted Troy was the testimony of witnesses, many of whom say police pressured them to identify Troy as the murderer.This is a monstrosity.
The state of Georgia and the USA, will once again have blood on their hands.
And I write this to say, this abomination known as the DEATH PENALTY, does not speak for me and does not represent me as an American.
Amnesty International is on the case, still, always, right up until they stick the needle in. God Bless them! Also see the update from the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.
Chatham County's District Attorney's Telephone: 912-652-7308 Fax: 912-652-7328.
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